How much can the average woman bench press

This question you might have thought before going to a gym, “how much can the average woman bench press?”

It is a very common question. If you know your age, weight and height, it is not so complicated for you to get the answer because these three are the common factors which should be kept in mind before doing bench press.

Though other physical capacities should be considered in this regard. If you have any major problem in your body or any kind of complexities then you should remember that while doing bench press.

For example: if you are 5 feet 4 inches and 166 pounds, we can say that you are a beginner and you don’t have any physical complexity , and so on your first try, you should be able to press 80 pounds. But there’s a age limit, and that is for women under age 40 and over the age 20.

How much should a woman bench press

Did you know?

The number of bench presses is dependent on your body weight. And it has a proportional relation. If you are untrained you can generally bench press almost 50% of your body weight. The percentage starts decreasing if you weigh more than 160 pounds.

As a novice, a woman weighing almost 150 to 160 pounds bench pressed 70% of her body weight on average; the percentage declines pretty rapidly as body weight increases.

Elite females can bench press 120% of her body weight which is approximately 200 pounds.

Though there are some exceptions, Becca Swanson benched 2.5 times her body weight which is about 600 pounds and made the world record for women’s.

Realistic expectations for your bench press will help you set your goals considering your level of experience and other factors including your age, weight, height and physical capacities.

On average how much weight can the woman lift 

You may think that if the body weight of a woman rises so too should her strength. 

But it is not always true because if a woman becomes overweight then she will not have enough strength at the same time an underweight woman will not have enough strength.

Hands with weights on bench press

A woman weighing around 130 to 140 pounds should be capable of lifting more weight than an underweight woman and overweight woman.

For women, maximum weight instructions instructed them to lift lighter weights. That’s why, as a novice on average, a woman weighing 135 pounds can press 70 pounds.

If you lift more than 50 pounds it may result in injury, in this regard first you have to know the technique of lifting heavy objects and should have some experience if you want to lift heavier objects.

How much should a woman bench press when she becomes older

It is a very natural fact that when you will become older, your maximum bench press record will go downward.

Because we all know as our age increases, our body’s strength and capacity of working do not remain the same as before.

So if you become demotivated at this point and stop doing bench press, then you are doing the foolish thing rather you have to continue your upper body strength, for example bench press to keep yourself fit and healthy at your older age.

It is usual that you can lift almost 105 pounds which is 60% to 70% of your bodyweight as you are an experienced lifter but when you will get older your maximum bench press will show a tendency to go downward.

For example: you can lift 90 pounds if you are older than 50 years and this number will decrease gradually as your age will increase like it will work vice versa.

How to improve bench press strength

If you think you want to make yourself more expert in bench press you have to keep in mind some factors and need to be consistent.

Because changes can’t be seen within a night, rather your hard work and patience will take you far and help you to accomplish your desired goal.

You have to build your weight slowly because it takes time to see good results.

You have to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and have to intake a good amount of protein, healthy carbs and fats which will help you to build your muscles gradually.

How to improve bench press strength

Staying hydrated is very important for everyone. While workout, you will sweat more so you should drink more water before and after workout or else you will suffer from dehydration.

You have to vary your strengthening routine which will help you target your whole body including aerobic exercises and stretches that increase flexibility.

Push yourself to fatigue without overexerting yourself or forcing yourself beyond your limits.

If you have the oppurtunity take training from an expert or trainer.Marsland emphasizes the usefulness of working with a trainer, since they can help you follow a program and develop the most efficient workout.

Rest your major muscles properly between bench pressing sessions. Take breaks between sets as necessary. 

We have a detailed post on how to increase strength for bench press


Though the overall record of poundage is made by Becca Swanson, Laura Phelps-Sweatt also has bench pressed 530 pounds when her weight was around 166 pounds and lifted the highest multiple of her body weight. 

If your weight is less than 100 pounds, still you can start doing bench pressing by your own way and obviously will find a good result if you work hard with patience.

At the same time if you are overweight, you can also start from now and follow the routine strictly then you are going to accomplish your desired goal as well.

Just one thing you all need to keep in mind that we all need to be consistent. Because if you do bench pressing once a month for 1 hour it will not give you any result. Rather if you do it 20 minutes a day but regularly it is going to give you good results.

So start your journey from today, set your desired goals, make a routine and follow it strictly. Work hard with patience then you are going to accomplish your goal soon.

While you are doing bench pressing, you have to make sure whether you are doing it perfectly or not. Because if you do not do it perfectly, it will harm rather than make you fit.

As a beginner there is a possibility of making mistakes. So you need to be careful not only for more accurate measures of your average bench press, but also to help prevent injury.

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