How to increase bench press by 100 pounds

After seeing our ‘How to increase bench press strength by 50 pounds’ guide, many of you insisted that we tell you guys how to increase bench press strength by 100 pounds. 

So, finally, we decided to show you how it is done. Many of the contents of this guide may resemble our contents from increasing bench press strength by 50 pounds guide. Well, that is inevitable as ultimately you are going to increase your bench press strength, just the amount of increasing strength is greater than the previous one.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the main course.

Focusing on triceps while doing bench presses

Yes, this section has traveled all the way from our previous guide. It shows that focusing on triceps is really an important factor for increasing bench press strength.

Triceps play a vital role while bench pressing. Most of the weight of the weight bar is handled by your triceps. Thus, you have to strengthen your triceps in order to gain more bench press strength.

We are keeping the exercises the same as our 50 pounds guide, though, to increase bench press strength by 100 pounds, you guys have to put a little more effort. You can do the exercises stated below, but do two times more reps than before. The exercises are:

  • Dumbbell Skull Crusher
  • Triceps Drips
  • Plank Up-Down
  • Push-up
  • Close-grip Dumbbell Chest Press
  • Bend-over Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Work on building overall strength while bench pressing

Only focusing on your arms’ strength won’t do much here. You have to build up your whole body strength. It is because even if your arms handle the pressure of the weight bar, your body won’t. 

Increasing Bench Press Strength

And if your push yourself further, you might get yourself injured. Everyone has a limit. You have to increase your limit through exercises. And building your body is essential here so as not to get injured.

You will be glad to know that, exercises aren’t the only option to build your body. You can build your body in various ways, for example, Cycling, gardening, climbing stairs, walking, dancing, etc.

Keep it slow and steady while increasing bench press

Nothing can be done properly in a rush. And here it is very important that you take your time. 

You can’t increase your bench press strength by 100 pounds overnight, right? 

Make a routine, do exercises, take enough rest, then do exercises again. Make it look like a loop. But, keep in mind that your social life might get affected if you just do exercises in order to increase bench press strength by 100 pounds. 

Take your time, this should be our first and foremost advice, but if you see this kind of message at the start of the article, you might get demotivated. That is why we are mentioning it later here.

Take enough rest after bench pressing

Rest is necessary and inevitable for increasing your bench press strength.

You don’t want to tear any of your inner muscles, do you? Consistently exercising without any rest causes an internal tear in your muscles, which leads to the inability to even move in the near future.

We don’t want that, and we know you also don’t want that to happen. Be sure to rest after completing your exercises, or you can rest between the reps.

Take Supplements

Now, you have done your daily exercises and taken enough rest. Is this enough? NEVER.

Your body needs fuel. Just like a machine. Although you’re not going to take oil or gases or anything. What you are going to take is supplements.

Increasing Your Bench Press Strength By 100 lbs

Supplements are a great source of energy. Your body needs a lot of proteins and calories for increasing your bench press strength by 100. A balanced meal isn’t enough to provide you with the energy you needed. But supplements can do the magic.

Now, We are giving you some suggestions for the supplements:

  • Whey Protein Powder
  • Creatine
  • All in One Protein Powder

It is not necessary for you to follow the exact same supplements we are suggesting. Try to make your own perfect nutrition plan.

Progression Tracking

This is one of the optional factors that you can choose to do or not. Though, this might help you a lot than you can imagine.

You can either take a tracking device or ask someone to help you with the tracking. You can take the progression with a 25% progression method.

This means, first you can hit 25 pounds bench press strength. Then, you can increase your reps and do exercises again.

Then do the same process after hitting 50 pounds, 75 pounds, and then finally 100 pounds!

Progression tracking is essential here, otherwise, you can’t follow this method efficiently.


We are now at the finishing line. Last few words before your departure.

Do not push yourself forward.

Remember to take enough rest.

Also, drink enough water.

Don’t injure yourself.

Take it slowly but steadily.

And give us a thumbs up after you increase your bench press strength by 100 pounds.

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